Hi there, I'm Reka:
Digital product designer & service designer

I help companies to translate innovative technologies into valuable product experiences and digital service solutions.


Attendi Assistant

UX UI & Service design


UI UX design

(P)rehab monitoring tool

UX UI & Service design

Schistoscope 3.0

UX for hardware


UX research

Nice to meet you!

In my work I translate user needs and data-driven technologies into digital solutions that support target business goals. I thrive when collaborating in interdisciplinary teams, co-creating valuable products and services where design and development go hand in hand.

Previous clients

"It was very impressive how fast Reka was able to understand the complexity of our product & the user’s task in its given context. She can ask the right questions and validate the right concepts with users quickly. Learning from product iterations, she presented us a big leap forward to execute."

- Diederik de Rave, Co-Founder & Product Manager at Attendi

Let's create together.

Thank you!

I’ll contact you soon. 

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